Tulsi Devi`s Lilas

January 2025

Tulsī-devī is more than a plant – She is a living presence of love and devotion that touches the hearts of all who serve Her. Her gentle energy helps us grow spiritually, bringing peace and deeper connection to God. In this blog, you’ll read the stories of those who serve Tulsī-devī, each one sharing their unique journey of devotion.

Growing with Tulsī-devī: Tuning into the Divine

Rishi Aditya arrived at the āśrama in 2017 during the Narasiṁha Caturdaśī celebration. The vibrant chanting, joyful dancing, and high energy were completely new to him, but he soon grew to love the atmosphere.

In 2018, the Bhutabhrteshwarnath Temple was completed. Like many others, Rishi Aditya felt inspired to serve a deity in the new temple, and everyone eagerly waited to see whom Guruji would choose.

When the list of pūjārīs was announced, Rishi Aditya’s name was not on it. But an opportunity to serve Hanumān soon appeared. At first, he felt distant from Hanumān, but with time, as he served with dedication, their connection deepened and transformed.

“Hanumān stood outside in all weather—rain or shine, cold or heat—always blessing and caring for everyone. This made me feel close to Him. I realized I didn’t want to serve in the big temple; I wanted to stay with Hanumān.”

Rishi Aditya enjoyed working quietly in the background, where the tasks were simple yet challenging. Serving outdoors in the elements was tough, but it felt more comfortable than standing on the altar with so many eyes watching, which made him nervous. Still, his desire to serve the deities in any way he could remained strong.

“At that time, I was unsure who my iṣṭadeva was. I began serving Hanumān but also assisted pūjārīs with other deities. It felt as though I was being drawn from one deity to another, each calling out and guiding me toward the one who would truly touch my heart.”

One day, Jagatpathidas, the sole pūjārī for Tulsī-devī at that time, asked Rishi Aditya to help with Her pūjā. Though he found Tulsī-devī special, he didn’t feel a strong connection at first. Her gentle energy felt unfamiliar to him; he was more drawn to a simple, “sādhu-like” way of being.

“She has such a soft, gentle energy that everything around Her feels fragile and I have to move slowly and carefully. If She doesn’t like jewels, they won’t stay on. If She doesn’t like how Her hair is done, it won’t settle. Even Her dress won’t fit unless I am calm and respectful. I’ve learned to ask, ‘Please let me dress You.’ When I’m gentle, She allows me. But if I’m rough, nothing works. Every deity has unique needs, and this taught me to serve with care and respect.”

As time passed, whenever Rishi Aditya felt drawn to Tulsī-devī, Jagatpathidas would call him to assist, as if sensing it intuitively. Eventually, Guruji made Rishi Aditya an official pūjārī of Tulsī-devī. From his first days serving Her, he experienced many lilas. He shares one from the beginning:

“One day, while serving Tulsī-devī, I placed two Tulsī leaves on the prasāda. It felt strange, like I was offering Tulsī to Tulsī, but I did it anyway, thinking it might be okay since She is always with Lord Vishnu. After placing the leaves, I closed the curtain. When I opened it again, the leaves were outside the plate, just a little bit away. I was surprised, and at that moment, Jagatpathidas came and asked, ‘Did you offer Tulsī to Tulsī?’ I couldn’t help but laugh because it felt like he knew exactly what had just happened. Tulsī-devī became a special connection between us, sending messages to both of us, not in words, but from within.”

Through his journey, Rishi Aditya discovered that deities are alive, full of energy and presence. Connecting with them requires an open heart, attentive listening, and a gentle, receptive attitude.

Tulsī-devī teaches him softness and kindness, feeling like a sister or daughter who needs care. Through Her, he has learned that devotion is not a task but a heartfelt expression of love, helping him grow and deepen his connection with Her.

This devotion has also enriched his relationship with Guruji. In our tradition, Tulsī-devī represents the Guru’s seat in the tilaka. As Rishi Aditya serves Her with love, he notices Guruji’s attitude becoming softer and more gentle, reflecting his inner growth.

Ultimately, Rishi Aditya has learned that devotion is about listening and responding with love. The deities, through their gentle ways, continuously guide us toward wisdom, connection, and truth.

A Journey of Devotion: The Transformative Grace of Tulsī-devī

When Jagatpathidas arrived in the āśrama, despite being new, he was incredibly disciplined. He would wake up before prayers, perform his abhiṣeka, and attend the daily prayers without fail. Even before arriving, he already felt a connection to Tulsī-devī, though he didn’t fully understand it, and it hadn’t yet manifested in any tangible way.

“When I first arrived, my connection with Tulsī-devī began to grow. At first, I felt a gentle warmth near Her, which soon turned into pure joy. After prayers, I would stay just to look at Her. Over time, that joy became so strong that I often found myself crying.

But with this love, there was also pain. I desperately wanted to serve Her, but I felt unworthy. I didn’t tell anyone about this longing because I thought I wasn’t ready. There were others who seemed more deserving—people with more experience.

Then everything changed. During a Darshan, Guruji looked at me and said, “From today on, you are serving Tulsī-devī.” I was overwhelmed with happiness. That moment became one of the best days of my life!”

That same afternoon, he performed his first pūjā, feeling deeply moved by how much Guruji seemed to understand his unspoken prayers.

Later, Guruji shared why his connection with Tulsī-devī was so strong. Another resident had a vivid dream about him. In the dream, he was living in a small hut, fully devoted to Tulsī-devī. Though the hut had little space, he had lovingly made room for Her, singing and serving Her with great happiness.

Guruji explained, “That was your previous life.” The dream revealed that his deep devotion to Tulsī-devī had already begun long before, carrying over into this life.

“Growing up, I was raised to be tough—the classic Balkan “macho” type. For me, showing emotions or saying “I love you,” even to those closest to me, was nearly impossible.

One evening, while I was serving Tulsī-devī and putting Her to bed, I felt something extraordinary. Her presence became so strong it was almost overwhelming. I couldn’t see Her, but it felt as if She was really there. The rest of the world seemed to disappear—it was just Her and me in the temple. For 30 or 40 minutes, I couldn’t stop saying, “I love You. I love You. I love You.” The words came out effortlessly, something I never thought I could do.

That night, I had a dream. In it, I was walking through a forest with Guruji. We came to a clearing with two benches. Guruji told me to sit, and as I did, Tulsī-devī appeared. She rose gracefully from the ground, wearing a stunning green sari adorned with delicate flowers. She looked radiant and divine.

She approached me, stood in front of me, and hugged me. I hugged Her back, and then She leaned in close to my ear and softly whispered, “I love you.”

I woke up immediately. That dream has stayed with me ever since, every detail as clear as the day it happened. From that moment on, everything changed. Serving Tulsī-devī wasn’t just a ritual anymore—She became a constant presence in my life.

Now, She reveals Herself to me daily in small ways. For instance, recently I overslept for the first time during my duties. My computer froze at 5:05, and I thought I had more time. When I finally woke up, it was 8:00 AM. I panicked but discovered everything had been taken care of. Still, I felt stressed, and my lungs—already weak since COVID—began to hurt.

As I lay down, I felt Her presence. It was as if Her hand was on my chest, right where it hurt the most. Her touch was comforting and familiar, miraculous yet natural. That’s how Her presence feels to me now—always there, even when unseen.”

Jagatpathidas sees Tulsī-devī as a mother, the kind he has always felt existed beyond his physical mother. Even as a child, he sensed someone who deeply cared for him in ways he couldn’t explain. This is how he feels about Tulsī-devī. Whether overwhelmed or at peace, he turns to Her, sharing his thoughts and feelings that he keeps from others—not because he can’t talk to them, but because he doesn’t want to. His relationship with Her is sacred and personal, unlike anything else.

Being with Her brings him deep relief. Sitting in the Tulsī-devī house fills him with a calm that’s hard to describe. Practicing japa or Atma Kriya Yoga with Her nearby makes everything feel more focused and meaningful. These days, he often falls asleep thinking of Her and wakes up the same way. Her presence is constant, a source of peace and guidance in his life.

Rama, a young autistic boy, is another pūjārī for Tulsī-devī.

Jagatpathidas’ relationship with Rama is complex but deeply rewarding. When Guruji appointed Rama as a pūjārī, many were surprised due to his unruly behavior—he could be defiant, mischievous, and sometimes disruptive.

“One time, during a pūjā, Rama shocked everyone by hitting a guest. I was left unsure how to handle the situation. I decided to seek advice from Rama’s father, Anshul, who guided me on setting boundaries with both firmness and compassion. His approach gave me a framework to follow.

From then on, I worked patiently with Rama. I set clear expectations for him and made it a point to offer encouragement whenever he showed progress. Slowly but surely, we began to build a bond.

I noticed something remarkable about Rama—he mirrored my emotions. If I remained calm, he would eventually settle down. But if I felt agitated, he would reflect that energy right back. It was a profound lesson for me: maintaining my own inner peace wasn’t just for my benefit—it was essential for Rama’s well-being too.

With persistence, Rama started to grasp the meaning behind the rituals. He learned to perform tasks like āratī with focus and reverence. Despite the challenges he faces, he brings so much joy to everyone around him.

In the pūjā kitchen, his playful energy keeps the atmosphere light, even when things get busy. It’s been a journey, but one filled with growth and unexpected joy.”

Their bond is like that of brothers, built on mutual learning and service to Tulsī-devī. Whether with Rishi Aditya, Rama, or other pujaris, serving Her creates a unique camaraderie, uniting everyone as Her children.

Serving Tulsī-devī is a journey of love and devotion that transforms the heart. Her gentle energy teaches patience, humility, and true devotion, which comes from the heart. Through small moments, She reveals Her presence, guiding devotees with wisdom and love. For those who serve Her, Tulsī-devī brings peace, joy, and spiritual growth, deepening their connection with God. Her presence makes every prayer and act of service more meaningful.

Serve those who serve us all!

Bhutabhrteshwarnath Mandir is a place where we come together to pray and grow in our spiritual journeys. The rituals and prayers help us feel closer to the Divine and remind us of our faith. If you feel a calling to deepen your relationship with the Divine, one way to do this is to support our temple. Join our donation program with the link below and help us continue the wonderful work of our beloved Gurudev. Together we can spread the grace of the Lord and bring more positivity to the world!

“The acts of sacrifice, charity and austerity should not be given up, but should be performed. For these acts purify even the wise.” Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 5

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Rewatch Tulsi Vivaha 2024:

“A devotee should be never away from Tulsi, you know. Tulsi mala is very important for a devotee. It protects you. You don’t realise how much it protects you, but it protects you so much. So, tilak and Tulsi should always be there.”

Paramahamsa Vishwananda